Naropa & Tilopa

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Naropa & Tilopa

Date: 01-Jun-2015

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Naropa & Tilopa were a great Indian sages who moulded the future of Tibet. Modifying teachings of Buddha and integrating existing tantra, they established a new path of “tantric forgiveness”. Through use of certain body postures, through use of certain voice incantation, through certain meditative stages they penetrated the realms of devas and astral & causal world in physical bodies and worked out on karma of their disciples in all the 3 planes. By forgiving their disciples for past karmas, they helped them erase of all their karmas and attain moksha in that very birth. Milarepa was one such disciple who they helped to attain moksha with these sciences. They also acquired many siddhis such as flying in air, changing nature, modifying magnetism, and erasing evilness in a person. This vidya (knowledge), they gave to very few of their disciples and it is still existent in present day Tibet. This vidya is only present with spiritual masters who use it for uplifting mankind. Thus, in Tibet, even after exile of Dalai Lama and his troops, even after Chinese invasion and dilution of Tibetan culture by Huns, the spiritual realm remains untouched. All those who desire true spiritual progress are always called to Tibet. They invariably receive blessings of these masters who help them wash away their karmas. You were also fortunate to visit Tibet. You were also helped by these spiritual masters. You were also cleaned of faults of various lives so that you could be enriched with powers in this life itself, so that you too could help others wash away their karma.

This cycle of karma is so dense and intense that an individual cannot come out of it by his/her own doing. Without grace, without master’s place it is not possible. And master then wipes out more than 90% of karma by this tantric forgiveness and you only suffer 10% of your karmas which by correct thinking, correct reactions to actions and full change in spirit is washed in a fraction. What is needed from your end is faith, patience, and belief that what he says is truth & what he does is correct. Nothing else matters. Honesty to self and honesty to soul is what matters. Complete rejoice & complete energy shall then be in your domain, shall be your gain, there will be no pain.

- Insights of several saints as revealed by Para.

Mother Mary
Neeb Karori Baba Maharajji
Naropa & Tilopa were a great Indian sages who moulded the future of Tibet. Modifying teachings of Buddha and integrating existing tantra, they established a new path of “tantric forgiveness”. Through use of certain body postures, through use of certain voice incantation, through certain meditative stages they penetrated the realms of devas and astral & causal world in physical bodies and worked out on karma of their disciples in all the 3 planes. By forgiving their disciples for past karmas, they helped them erase of all their karmas and attain moksha in that very birth. Milarepa was one such disciple who they helped to attain moksha with these sciences. They also acquired many siddhis such as flying in air, changing nature, modifying magnetism, and erasing evilness in a person. This vidya (knowledge), they gave to very few of their disciples and it is still existent in present day Tibet. This vidya is only present with spiritual masters who use it for uplifting mankind. Thus, in Tibet, even after exile of Dalai Lama and his troops, even after Chinese invasion and dilution of Tibetan culture by Huns, the spiritual realm remains untouched. All those who desire true spiritual progress are always called to Tibet. They invariably receive blessings of these masters who help them wash away their karmas. You were also fortunate to visit Tibet. You were also helped by these spiritual masters. You were also cleaned of faults of various lives so that you could be enriched with powers in this life itself, so that you too could help others wash away their karma. This cycle of karma is so dense and intense that an individual cannot come out of it by his/her own doing. Without grace, without master’s place it is not possible. And master then wipes out more than 90% of karma by this tantric forgiveness and you only suffer 10% of your karmas which by correct thinking, correct reactions to actions and full change in spirit is washed in a fraction. What is needed from your end is faith, patience, and belief that what he says is truth & what he does is correct. Nothing else matters. Honesty to self and honesty to soul is what matters. Complete rejoice & complete energy shall then be in your domain, shall be your gain, there will be no pain. Naropa & Tilopa 2015-06-01

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