Astral World

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Astral World

Date: 31-May-2014

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All that occurs in physical plane first occurs on astral plane. To come into effect in physical plane may take days, months or years. Diseases, destiny all occur first in astral plane and then occur in physical plane. Once it is destined in astral plane, it has to occur in physical plane. Negative forces in astral world are constantly trying to create imbalance. Though negative forces are present in patal lok (lower worlds), they can get energy to get into higher planes and cause disturbances. Souls without bodies also reside in astral world and become tools for disturbance. Both world wars were first fought in astral plane and then occurred in physical plane.
All men leave physical form at death and enter astral world. Karma is more difficult to wear off in astral world. When you become jivanmukta (free from cycle of births). you may have no more karma to wipe out but you still have your vaasnas (desires) to overcome. To merge in God, then this process of wiping out your vaasna take place in astral world. In causal world, there are no vaasnas but just process of merging into God. With this process, you do not lose your identity but expand your identity. In astral world, bhoot (ghosts), pishachi (disembodied souls) stay in lower places whereas jivanmukta stay in higher planes. When those from higher planes go to lower planes, they can get into trouble. There are many jeev (living souls) in physical form in all planets. Human eye may not see them as they see limited rays. Thus, physical planets are individual but astral world is universal. All sant (saint) and fakir (ascetic) are allocated individual task to look after in the universe. Saints in astral world are omnipresent.

- These are topics of various aspects of spirituality as told by Para.

Balidaan (Sacrifice)
All that occurs in physical plane first occurs on astral plane. To come into effect in physical plane may take days, months or years. Diseases, destiny all occur first in astral plane and then occur in physical plane. Once it is destined in astral plane, it has to occur in physical plane. Negative forces in astral world are constantly trying to create imbalance. Though negative forces are present in patal lok (lower worlds), they can get energy to get into higher planes and cause disturbances. Souls without bodies also reside in astral world and become tools for disturbance. Both world wars were first fought in astral plane and then occurred in physical plane. All men leave physical form at death and enter astral world. Karma is more difficult to wear off in astral world. When you become jivanmukta (free from cycle of births). you may have no more karma to wipe out but you still have your vaasnas (desires) to overcome. To merge in God, then this process of wiping out your vaasna take place in astral world. In causal world, there are no vaasnas but just process of merging into God. With this process, you do not lose your identity but expand your identity. In astral world, bhoot (ghosts), pishachi (disembodied souls) stay in lower places whereas jivanmukta stay in higher planes. When those from higher planes go to lower planes, they can get into trouble. There are many jeev (living souls) in physical form in all planets. Human eye may not see them as they see limited rays. Thus, physical planets are individual but astral world is universal. All sant (saint) and fakir (ascetic) are allocated individual task to look after in the universe. Saints in astral world are omnipresent. Astral World 2014-05-31

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