What have you achieved in your life - happiness, satisfaction, or peace of mind?
Or is it the pursuit of money that is all that you find?
Always asked me to tell if there is anything wrong that you do, have you no control of what you do?
Turned fifty you have, remaining years what will you do?
Waste on mundane things or connect with me, will you do?
Prayers you say, you don't know how to do.
But have you sat daily and tried to connect with me, did you?
Laziness and ego, manifold I see in you, accept will you do?
Spiritualism is not your cup of tea, how did you come to conclude so?
Trips so many in the world you go, far and wide you go.
Trips within, in the depth of your heart, have you ever tried to go?
Excuses you remove and convince others and yourself too.
Will the excuses save you from death’s clutch, will it so?
Harsh are these words, but now time to act, it is so.
How long will you delay your calling for me so?
When faith you have in me, and progress I want in you, then act so.
Buck up your act, time is short, it's now or never, do not forget so.
Pray to me help you, running I shall come so,
Waiting I am for you, helpless without your call, now come to me, I am at the door.
- These are messages of Para for the world.